{GPOYW} Happy Birthday Mr. Noni!

My rascal of a puppy turns four years old today!  If feels like forty years he's been torturing me with his barking, his itching and his wet nose prints on my car windows.  Yet, most nights when I crawl into bed it's nice to have him there to chat with.  Yes, we chat.  Often.

One of Oscar's strongest qualities is that he understands what it means to be a part of this family and what it takes to be in front of the camera.  We're like a milder version of the Kardashians and he knows how to hold that pose.  For as long as it takes to get the money shot.

Even when he's overdue for a haircut and a touch up on his roots.  He owns it.

And of course, the quintessential beach shot.  He looks good even with wet hair and sand in his butt.