Playing Catch Up
I've had a lot on my plate recently and when I have spare time I like to lay around watching tv. I know it's not inspiring, but it's the truth and it's the reason my blog has been seriously lacking. Today, the wi-fi is currently working on the showroom so I thought I'd bombard you with everything I've been meaning to post...
I'm still participating in FatMumSlim's photo challenge. The colored squares are the days I missed, which just goes to prove that I really couldn't do a 365 challenge. Luckily, I know you accept me as the girl who can't remember to take a daily "vitamin" let alone keep up with these pictures every. single. day. I won't bore you this month with all the details, but if you're curious - this was the prompt.
Yesterday was my parents 30th wedding anniversary. Guess what? I will be turning 30 this year... you do the math. *cough*cough* Bringing people together since 1982!
This is them at what I believe was their Senior Prom. Pretty sexy right?
I'm totally indifferent when it comes to Adam Levine. I don't care if he's a douche and I don't think he's sexy. I do like some of his singles, but this one is so ridiculous to me. I mean kids in junior high are probably asking their friends, what the hell is a payphone? I want to know why he isn't using his cell, he's a celebrity, he probably has tons of them. One for each girl he's sleeping with so why in the f*ck is he at a payphone?
It's this pretty girl's 30th birthday tomorrow! Many things have been going on behind the scenes to get ready for her special day and I hope that tomorrow's dinner is worthy of such a milestone. If anything I shall plow her with bottomless sangria and then drive her home after she peaks!
That's all for now, more coming soon!