Photo-A-Day: January



I've always thought those 365 projects were very cool and many of them are so, so clever.  The idea of take a photo a day though seemed like too big of a commitment though, even for this camera whore.  Then I came across this photo a day challenge from Fat Mum Slim for the month of January and I thought, I can do that - only one month.  Well one month later, I missed two days and I'm looking forward to next month's challenge.  Click on the link if you'd like to join in!  It's much easier to tackle one month at a time and she makes it even simpler by stating each day's task.  So here's January all complete and stayed tuned at the end of next month to see what I come up with!

Row One {Left to Right} : 1) You 2) Breakfast 3) Something You Adore 4) Letterbox 5) Something You Wore 6) Makes You Smile 7) Favorite

Row Two: 8) Your Sky 9) Daily Routine 10) Childhood 11) Where You Sleep 12) Close-Up 13) In Your Bag 14) Something You're Reading

Row Three: 15) Happiness 16) Morning 17) Water 18) Something You Bought 19) Sweet 20) Someone You Love 21) Reflection

Row Four: 22) Your Shoes 23) Something Old 24) Guilty Pleasure 25) Something You Made 26) Color 27) Lunch 28) Light

Row Five: 29) Inside Your Fridge 30) Nature 31) You, Again