When I first started baking I quickly realized the importantance of sifting flour.  I, of course, didn’t have a flour sifter and was still unsure if I really “needed” one.  My roommate at the time had been given one very similar to this one which I then sort of made my own.  Happily ever after right?


She moved in with her boyfriend, that house you saw me painting back in November, and then I was again without a flour sifter.  My Mom has one, with a crank, that I’ve used, but I wasn’t in love.  It just wasn’t the same.  I was also given one, that at first seemed similar to the above design, but with multiple pieces moving at the base. You would think even finer flour.  Wrong.  Flour was getting stuck between the pieces.

So for the last year I have not been sifting. **GASP** Whisking the flour by hand seemed to be doing pretty well, but then I came across this this morning!  For all of $18 I am making this little beauty mine!

And finally our story ends.  Happily Ever After.

Kylebaking, etsy, flour, online shopping