I cannot for the life of me fathom why I adore looking at pictures of people’s weddings so much … except for the possible explanation that:
A) Everyone always looks pretty at a wedding.
B) I like flouncy gowns and bright bouquets and men in tuxedos and little flower girls and bridesmaids in matching dresses and giant cakes and soft lighting and grinning relatives and first dances.
C) There’s something in the couples’ eyes that transfixes me: A palpable combination of passion and warmth and romance and love and pure, unmitigated joy - and also - perhaps most importantly - a wondrous hope for the future. It’s almost intoxicating to look at, this mix of emotions.
Yeah, okay, maybe it’s not so confusing why I enjoy these photographs after all.
And this is exactly why I love Julia Allison. She’s the “celebrity” who feels like one of your girlfriends. Her life always seems to reflect similar things that’s going on in mine and my girlfriends lives.
Oh yeah, and I love wedding blogs/photography/flowers too.