I don’t know if I’ve truly expressed how much I’ve come to enjoy both Jessica’s blog and the site weardrobe. I’ve always loved clothes, just like most girls, but it’s opened my eyes up to trying everything I have in new ways. It makes getting dressed for work, such a mundane task, so much more fun. I really try on “fake” outfits at night to see if I can come up with something new for the workday.
For any of you who have a harder time, like myself, trying something new with your clothes or branching out - YOU HAVE TO BROWSE WEARDROBE. It does all the hard stuff for us! I have a folder on my laptop now of clothing inspiration. Anything that looks cute or when certain clothing articles remind me of something I own I drop it into that folder. If when I’m having a slow day in the closet I peruse that and it usually gives me a kick start.
And if I can suggest only one thing in this post it’s invest in your accessories!