Chic vs Chick
CHIC: Main Entry: chic Pronunciation: \ˈshēk\ Function: noun Etymology: French 1: smart elegance and sophistication especially of dress or manner : style <wears her clothes with superb chic>
2: a distinctive mode of dress or manner associated with a fashionable lifestyle, ideology, or pursuit <wearing the latest in urban chic>
3: a faddishly popular quality or appeal ; also : something (as a practice or interest) having such appeal <the transient tides of academic chic — Irving Kristol
CHICK: Main Entry: chick Pronunciation: \ˈchik\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English chyke, alteration of chiken 1 a: a domestic chicken ; especially : one newly hatched b: the young of any bird
2: child
Source: Merriam-Webster