How Do You Greet People? With a Hug? Kiss? Handshake?

Link: How Do You Greet People? With a Hug? Kiss? Handshake?

NONE, please!

In the last two years I’ve made friendly with a fabulous new little group that’s been together for a long time, some as far back as grade school.  They are all in to mushy hello/goodbyes.  I think it’s pretty to apparent to my “old” friends how much I hate this because it’s been brought up a couple different times.  Now they make jokes and sometimes insist on hugging me!  ugh ;)

I just link the hello hug with high school.  I went to an all girls school so there was A LOT of that.  I’m not in high school anymore.  And if I want to hug you then I will.

On special occasions.

LinkKylehello, hug, kiss, Link