Tumblr crushes






You have to “like” at least one original post from at least nine users for it to show up on your following page.

Ah. I’m still confused, though. I’ve liked over 1700 posts. Is it really possible that none of those have been original content from nine different users?

So far no one on the left coast seems to have it. I have a feeling it is less about the likes and more about a roll out of the features? We “like” things over here!

I don’t have it either, have liked over 3,000 posts.

You know what would be cool? If someone from Tumblr could take a couple of minutes and post something about that. Obviously people are wondering, and it would be so easy to settle the issue for everyone.

Thank you, because I have no fucking clue what’s going on!  I’m new to tumblr so i figured thats why I have no crushes or whatever.
